HQPlayer features include:
Auto download and running HQPlayer in background mode
Control player through keystrokes
High quality audio resampling
Continuously playing audio
Selectively stopping and resuming playing
Advanced configuration features for customizing player's behavior
See also
Related software
List of media players
External links
Category:Audio software
Category:Free audio software
Category:Audio libraries
Category:Free software programmed in C++
Category:Software that uses GTK
Category:Linux media players
Category:Proprietary software
Category:Media players that use GTK
Category:Multimedia software that uses GTK
Category:Free software programmed in C++Q:
ServiceStack.Text.IOperations doesn't like that I return something other than string[] from an IReturn with a non-string[] return type
My class is named QuestionAndAnswers and it has one public property called Answer.
My IReturn, which I am converting with ServiceStack.Text.IOperations.OperationsServiceStack, is named CorrectAnswer.
Here's my IReturn:
public class CorrectAnswer: IReturn {
public string CorrectAnswer { get; set; }
public int CorrectQuestion { get; set; }
When I execute my call using the ServiceStack.Text.OperationsServiceStack, I get this error:
Could not set property 'Answer' on 'QuestionAndAnswers.CorrectAnswer'. Type 'QuestionAndAnswers' does not have a public property named 'Answer'
I want to return a list of answers, but I'm not able to because the ServiceStack.Text.IOperations.OperationsServiceStack wants me to return a string[].
How do I do this?
The reason that you are getting that error is because it is trying to cast your property Answer to a string[] (since it has the wrong type).
To resolve this, you need to modify your interface to have a collection:
public interface IReturn {
T[] Answer { get; set; }
But in this case, it doesn't make sense to have an Answer property since it is simply a collection of Answer objects, which
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